As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities and it's almost impossible to stuff another to do in your calendar, right? And if you're married, there are all those...
One of our roles as Christians is to represent God to the world around us. Well, God is anything but average and ordinary so we shouldn't settle for average and ordinary either. If we really want to represent our God, we should believe for...
Every marriage goes through it’s ups and downs but that doesn’t mean it should suffer through an affair and ultimate divorce. But for some it does. Like our guests, Mark and Jill Savage. While the affair did happen, thankfully the...
Many businesses struggle to find the right marketing approach and needlessly settle for the status quo. Why? Because they’ve probably tried many different marketing strategies with less than stellar results. Or at least not to the hype...
Join bestselling authors, and Co-Directors of Love-Wise, Bill and Pam Farrel who have been married and in ministry (and business) together nearly all of their 41 years of marriage. Bill and Pam will share tips on how rhythms and habits...
We all want more love in our marriage, right? How about better love? Well, we were privileged to interview Les Parrott of Les and Leslie Parrott. Best selling authors, speakers and entrepreneurs in their own right. One of the things they have...
We often think of a mistress as that other woman. The reason behind the wife’s husband coming home late every night, leaving on surprise business trips, late-night phone calls or texts, unexplained credit card charges. The reason your...
Did you know that your marriage has an enemy—an enemy that would like nothing more than the destruction of your marriage? Well, it’s true—but what this enemy doesn’t realize is that you hold the upper hand. You have...
Money is a hot topic in marriage, is it not? Why is this such a difficult issue to resolve? He likes to spend too much. She doesn’t want to spend a dime. He just wants the latest toys. She always wants to go on vacation. These polar...
Forgiveness is an easy subject to talk about but a hard one to execute. There are a lot of perspectives on what forgiveness is and how you do it in everyday life. For example, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “forgive and...
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